ahha.. td lab clinical pathology.. ari ni ktorg kne wt psl sperm.. so, b4 msuk lab, we must make sure our group has sperm.. so, benny, as a leader of d lab must find d sperm.. all of these boys in my lab didn't want 2 give their sperm.. malu katenye.. huhu..
then, benny mntak ngan pkcik beca.. yg aku bengangnye, pakcik 2 cas rp80000 (rm32) ntuk kasi die nye sperm.. ktorg ade 3 grup, so, kne amek 3 org pakcik beca la.. d total is 80000 x 3 = 240000.. one of us must pay 5500.. arghhh.. aku bknnye kdekut.. tp 2 duit angkot ku.. aku dh la kering duit angkot skang ni..(T_T).. poor me..
then, aku bebel2 la kt dlm lab.. yg jd mgsenye heman ngan benny la.. npe la dorg ssh sgt nk bg sperm.. dlu, aku bg je aku nye urine.. aku tau urine ngan sperm 2 is 2 different things.. but, if i have sperm, i will give 2 my grup la.. huhu..
sperm : view from microscope^^
emh, pakcik beca kejam.. hehe.. so, xde pe yg mnarik la.. slain tgk prgerakan sperm, ktorg wt test pregnant.. carenye sng je... urine + latex = gumpalan.. ni mknenye positive.. so, d woman is pregnant.. kalo urine + latex = xde gmpalan.. so, this is negative n d woman is not pregnant.. best gak tyme wt pregnancy test 2.. aku cm phm gle.. so, makcik lab 2 soh aku ajar kwn2 aku yg laen..
hehe.. act, aku lari pegi kt pregnancy test sbb aku mls nk kre sperm.. how can i count d million sperm if they always move actively.. aku pn blah prgi kt pregnancy test.. kesian kt joye.. die yg kre sume sperm 2.. tp aku ajar la die wt pregnancy test 2.. huhu..=P
p/s : i must ready 4 my histology lab.. i'll make sure i'm d best.. hehe.. gambatte ne..
kao gile sperm!
haha.. bkn la weyh.. kne wt eksprimen 2.. aku x dok dkt2 pn ngn sperm 2.. dorg kte busuk gle.. yuckss..
eleyh. kamuw nehh
macm aku xtw jeww.
ko mmg superb kalo bab2 sperm ni..
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