emh, ni kne wt tag wewer lak.. wewer ni ktua blok aku kt serting dlu.. krenye aku brketua blog kn die dr f4 smpai f5 la.. best sgt.. die x skema pn.. so, kalo aku de wt jht2, aku x prnh kntoi ngn die.. bsenye kntoi ngn ank2 buah die yg trlbey2 suda.. haha.. x kisah la.. arghh, ttibe windu kt skulmate n skolah aku.. mrsm serting batch 04-05 mmg best.. gambatte..
1.The way to win your heart?
:: pape je yg leh wt aku gelak.. ::
2.What did you do last night?
:: study 4 reproductive system.. ask me d anatomy, i remember all that.. hahaha.. ::
3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
:: emh, nope.. xbest la nme sme.. ::
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
:: not interested now.. except kalo yamapi ckp die ske aku.. (erk, smpai ke tua la xde bf..) ::
5.One song that's meaningful to you?
:: skang ni, lagu raya la.. waaaaa....(T_T) ::
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
:: x minat n x ske spageti.. ::
7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
:: kalo yg kecik, mnum pkai straw la.. kalo yg besar, tuang dlm gelas spaya nmpak lbey brsopan.. ::
8.How long is your hair?
:: sme cm rmbut yamapi kot.. haha.. perasan la anda selama2nya.. yamapi, i luv u.. ::
9.Do you like Batman?
:: no.. i lyke spiderman.. peter parker tomey.. ::
10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
:: ayh kot.. xpn ummi.. x pn aizzat.. xpn aima.. xpn azzim.. xpn arissa.. xpn amir.. ::
11.Addicted to anything?
:: cte jepun.. kalo la laptop ni leh brckp, msti die dh bgtau "aku dh nazak donlod cte jepun bnyk2" ::
12.Do you like anyone now?
:: x kot.. 2 mggu lps still like, tp skang dh smakin pudar.. oh, hati ku brbicara lalalala....(melalut la anda selamanya).. ::
13.When was the last time you sang out loud?
:: sy x nyanyi kuat2.. sy sopan.. ::
14.What did you have for breakfast?
:: roti n air joye.. ::
15.Is your birthday on a holiday?
:: this year holiday sbb sme ngn maulidur Rasul.. ::
16.Can you cook?
:: megi boley la.. dlm proses blajar ngn ken, amy, emma n wawa.. hehe.. syg housemateku.. (msti emi rse nk mntah bce ni.. haha).. ::
17.Did you have a nap today?
:: of cos.. pas abes exam, itu la agenda prtama ntuk mng'qada' kan sume tdo ku.. pdahal dh trlebey 'qada' tdo.. ::
18.What was the reason you got in trouble last time?
:: big trouble spnjg bln pose ni adlh x dpt tdo mlm.. reason nye adlh stadi.. (erk, ye ke..?? xpe, bkn org len tau pn.. hehe).. ::
19.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
:: baju kurung la.. sopan sket sbgai muslimah sejati.. ::
20.When is your birthday?
:: 20th march 1989.. ::
21.Do you swear a lot?
:: xkot.. org tua ckp jgn brsumpah bnyk2.. nnti dmakan sumpah.. sy sbgai ank muda, akur khendak org tua..
22.Where did you get the shirt(s) you're wearing?
:: sarawak bumi kenyalang.. ::
23.Do you have any regrets?
:: ade.. ble pk2 blk, xyh regret la.. sume mnde de hkmahnya.. (ayt nk tangkan ati kalo mnyesal gile..) ::
24.What was your first alcoholic drink?
:: astargfirullahalazim.. sy mngucap pnjg ::
25.What color are your favorite shoes?
:: purple (dh smestinye) or corak2 askar.. ::
26.Who would you like to see right now?
:: ayah, ummi, aizzat, aima, azzim, arissa, amir n sume sedare mare aku la........ plus yamapi.. hehe.. ::
27.Are you a social or antisocial person?
:: x sosial kot.. sy sopan n baek.. (erk, is it..??) ::
28.Have the cops ever come by your house?
:: x kot.. tp kalo encik2 polis dtg nk mkn rmbutan, meh la dtg umah.. jgn segan2.. ::
29.Ever been in love?
:: yer kot.. ngn yamapi.. hahaha.. (x abes2 la nma yamapi akn brmaharajalela kt blog ni).. ::
30.Ever had braces?
:: x.. nk pkai braces tp tkut sakit.. pastu cm mahal je.. ::
31.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
:: yamapi kah..?? aku bru tgk gmba die yg tdk brmoral.. (syahid yg rekomen soh tgk.. hehe)..
32.What do you wear to bed?
:: emh, xkn la nk pkai cheogsam kot.. ::
33.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
:: jan n noli.. still frens tp sumenye dh jauh.. jan kt UK, noli bakal engineer kot.. ::
34.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
:: badiu.. npe la die x blk mlysia.. aku nk kirim kad rye ntuk family aku.. kalo die blk, konfem kad rye 2 smpai trus kt tgn family aku.. ::
35.Do you trust people?
:: ade pristiwa yg sbbkan aku shh nk prcaye spe2.. ::
36.Who was the first person you talked to today?
:: x brcakap pn.. ulcer kt mulut mmbuatkan aku diam.. hehe..(thanx 2 ulcer..) ::
37.Who was the first person to text you today?
:: lupe.. ade yg wish gudluck.. ade yg soh kjut bgun tdo.. ::
38.What was the first thing you did this morning?
:: mkn roti, pegi exam, jwb exam, balik umah, nap.. ::
39.what are you doing ryte now?
:: donlod cte jepun + wt survey + dgar hot fm.. ::
40.what is the last thing u want to say?
:: argh.. kwn2 aku sume dh de kt dlm flight blk mlysia.. ::
spe yg aku nk tagged hah..?? owh, you.. yes, u have been tagged by me.. rjin2 la you buat tag ni yer..
p/s : sape nk men roller coaster kt hillpark..?? ada berani..??
emh, ni kne wt tag wewer lak.. wewer ni ktua blok aku kt serting dlu.. krenye aku brketua blog kn die dr f4 smpai f5 la.. best sgt.. die x skema pn.. so, kalo aku de wt jht2, aku x prnh kntoi ngn die.. bsenye kntoi ngn ank2 buah die yg trlbey2 suda.. haha.. x kisah la.. arghh, ttibe windu kt skulmate n skolah aku.. mrsm serting batch 04-05 mmg best.. gambatte..
1.The way to win your heart?
:: pape je yg leh wt aku gelak.. ::
2.What did you do last night?
:: study 4 reproductive system.. ask me d anatomy, i remember all that.. hahaha.. ::
3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
:: emh, nope.. xbest la nme sme.. ::
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
:: not interested now.. except kalo yamapi ckp die ske aku.. (erk, smpai ke tua la xde bf..) ::
5.One song that's meaningful to you?
:: skang ni, lagu raya la.. waaaaa....(T_T) ::
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
:: x minat n x ske spageti.. ::
7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
:: kalo yg kecik, mnum pkai straw la.. kalo yg besar, tuang dlm gelas spaya nmpak lbey brsopan.. ::
8.How long is your hair?
:: sme cm rmbut yamapi kot.. haha.. perasan la anda selama2nya.. yamapi, i luv u.. ::
9.Do you like Batman?
:: no.. i lyke spiderman.. peter parker tomey.. ::
10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
:: ayh kot.. xpn ummi.. x pn aizzat.. xpn aima.. xpn azzim.. xpn arissa.. xpn amir.. ::
11.Addicted to anything?
:: cte jepun.. kalo la laptop ni leh brckp, msti die dh bgtau "aku dh nazak donlod cte jepun bnyk2" ::
12.Do you like anyone now?
:: x kot.. 2 mggu lps still like, tp skang dh smakin pudar.. oh, hati ku brbicara lalalala....(melalut la anda selamanya).. ::
13.When was the last time you sang out loud?
:: sy x nyanyi kuat2.. sy sopan.. ::
14.What did you have for breakfast?
:: roti n air joye.. ::
15.Is your birthday on a holiday?
:: this year holiday sbb sme ngn maulidur Rasul.. ::
16.Can you cook?
:: megi boley la.. dlm proses blajar ngn ken, amy, emma n wawa.. hehe.. syg housemateku.. (msti emi rse nk mntah bce ni.. haha).. ::
17.Did you have a nap today?
:: of cos.. pas abes exam, itu la agenda prtama ntuk mng'qada' kan sume tdo ku.. pdahal dh trlebey 'qada' tdo.. ::
18.What was the reason you got in trouble last time?
:: big trouble spnjg bln pose ni adlh x dpt tdo mlm.. reason nye adlh stadi.. (erk, ye ke..?? xpe, bkn org len tau pn.. hehe).. ::
19.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
:: baju kurung la.. sopan sket sbgai muslimah sejati.. ::
20.When is your birthday?
:: 20th march 1989.. ::
21.Do you swear a lot?
:: xkot.. org tua ckp jgn brsumpah bnyk2.. nnti dmakan sumpah.. sy sbgai ank muda, akur khendak org tua..
22.Where did you get the shirt(s) you're wearing?
:: sarawak bumi kenyalang.. ::
23.Do you have any regrets?
:: ade.. ble pk2 blk, xyh regret la.. sume mnde de hkmahnya.. (ayt nk tangkan ati kalo mnyesal gile..) ::
24.What was your first alcoholic drink?
:: astargfirullahalazim.. sy mngucap pnjg ::
25.What color are your favorite shoes?
:: purple (dh smestinye) or corak2 askar.. ::
26.Who would you like to see right now?
:: ayah, ummi, aizzat, aima, azzim, arissa, amir n sume sedare mare aku la........ plus yamapi.. hehe.. ::
27.Are you a social or antisocial person?
:: x sosial kot.. sy sopan n baek.. (erk, is it..??) ::
28.Have the cops ever come by your house?
:: x kot.. tp kalo encik2 polis dtg nk mkn rmbutan, meh la dtg umah.. jgn segan2.. ::
29.Ever been in love?
:: yer kot.. ngn yamapi.. hahaha.. (x abes2 la nma yamapi akn brmaharajalela kt blog ni).. ::
30.Ever had braces?
:: x.. nk pkai braces tp tkut sakit.. pastu cm mahal je.. ::
31.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
:: yamapi kah..?? aku bru tgk gmba die yg tdk brmoral.. (syahid yg rekomen soh tgk.. hehe)..
32.What do you wear to bed?
:: emh, xkn la nk pkai cheogsam kot.. ::
33.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
:: jan n noli.. still frens tp sumenye dh jauh.. jan kt UK, noli bakal engineer kot.. ::
34.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
:: badiu.. npe la die x blk mlysia.. aku nk kirim kad rye ntuk family aku.. kalo die blk, konfem kad rye 2 smpai trus kt tgn family aku.. ::
35.Do you trust people?
:: ade pristiwa yg sbbkan aku shh nk prcaye spe2.. ::
36.Who was the first person you talked to today?
:: x brcakap pn.. ulcer kt mulut mmbuatkan aku diam.. hehe..(thanx 2 ulcer..) ::
37.Who was the first person to text you today?
:: lupe.. ade yg wish gudluck.. ade yg soh kjut bgun tdo.. ::
38.What was the first thing you did this morning?
:: mkn roti, pegi exam, jwb exam, balik umah, nap.. ::
39.what are you doing ryte now?
:: donlod cte jepun + wt survey + dgar hot fm.. ::
40.what is the last thing u want to say?
:: argh.. kwn2 aku sume dh de kt dlm flight blk mlysia.. ::
spe yg aku nk tagged hah..?? owh, you.. yes, u have been tagged by me.. rjin2 la you buat tag ni yer..
p/s : sape nk men roller coaster kt hillpark..?? ada berani..??
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